Furbily-Furld Takes on the World

About the Book

Furbily-Furld is furious! The poor little lizard who has lived on his home turf for years has been pushed out by a growing town. Then, through miraculous magic, Furbily is given the means to take revenge. But something amazing happens along the way. Find out what in Furbily-Furld Takes on the World!

In this fun children's book designed for elementary school-aged children, Katherine Gotthardt, M.Ed., writing concentration, and artist Selina Farmer Williams tackle tough issues like anger management, smart growth, conservation, forgiveness and more in an easy-to-understand, illustrated epic poem.

Gotthardt has been writing, editing and teaching for more than twenty years. She considers herself a writer by nature and by trade, having begun writing for fun as soon as her mother helped teach her to read. She has published multiple collections of poetry, hundreds of online articles and blogs and dozens of print articles.

Listen to the audio here!


H. Berthold

What a beautiful story and a beautiful book! I bought one for each of my children and they love the pictures and talking about Furbily and how he left his home because the people moved in, how sad he was, and the happy ending (which I won't give away!)

Patricia Daly-Lipe

Read with your child and later explain the more intricate message behind the tale. It is a book of many levels. Well done!

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  • For poetry drafts and insights, follow Katherine on social media and search the hashtag #KatherinesCoffeehouse. Or check out Katherine's Coffeehouse here on the website.
  • You may also subscribe to Katherine's Substack for periodic email.
  • Publishing and event updates can be found on the homepage.
  • For inquiries about book signings, workshops, readings, speaking and giving programs, please email poet at KatherineGotthardt.com.

Acknowledgments and Gratitude

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Hypnoconsult Publishing

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