About the Book
What if the world – and we – were more magical than we assumed? That is the premise of this chapbook of micropoems by award-winning poet and prolific writer Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt.
Inspired by Gotthardt’s adult son, We All Might Be Witches (MacKenzie Publishing, 2023) brings to life vivid imagery, thought provoking line breaks and word economy expressing the mysteries and mysticism of the natural and human worlds.
“My son was long ago diagnosed with conditions on the autism spectrum. These are considered neurodivergences and disabilities," says Gotthardt, who also has disabilities. "I like to tell him they are his powers. He sees nature, people, society and the universe differently. He delves into science, philosophy, art, lore and creativity. He makes me rethink my approach to daily living. He reminds me we all have something special inside. We all have white magic."
All proceeds from this book benefit nonprofit Gainsville-Haymarket Rotary Club whose foundation and volunteers support youth with ASD and cognitive and/or emotional disabilities at PACE West, a special education program Gotthardt's son attended throughout middle and high school.
"I am so grateful to the teachers and staff at PACE," says Gotthardt. "They did more for my family than they know. And Gainesville-Haymarket Rotary, by supporting PACE's important programs that encourage students to go beyond what they think is possible, was an important part of my son's success."

Contact Katherine
- For poetry drafts and insights, follow Katherine on social media and search the hashtag #KatherinesCoffeehouse. Or check out Katherine's Coffeehouse here on the website.
- You may also subscribe to Katherine's Substack for periodic email.
- Publishing and event updates can be found on the homepage.
- For inquiries about book signings, workshops, readings, speaking and giving programs, please email poet at KatherineGotthardt.com.