Late April

About the Book

Between April of 2018 and April 2019, two National Poetry Months, Katherine Gotthardt authored the eclectic mix of poems we see in Late April, her sixth book, one in which joy, sorrow, anger, irony and humor are well represented.

In this collection, the cyber world of social media and big data also have a place, appropriate as some of the drafts were born on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Juxtaposed with memories of Gotthardt’s mother, these pieces remark on what it means to be human in 2019, with half a heart in the natural world, the other half in the technological.

If it seems a bit contradictory, it should. As Gotthardt writes, "This is the way the world works, digressing from itself."

Nancy Wyatt

Whether it’s about technology, health, loss of a mother, nature’s seasons, or aging, Katherine has a unique way of expressing the joy, complexity, irony, grief, and humor of living life in the modern age. A must read.

Jan Rayl

Katherine’s poetry is refreshing and relevant. It takes the reader to depths in the simple and captures your imagination to ponder the poignant.

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Contact Katherine

  • For poetry drafts and insights, follow Katherine on social media and search the hashtag #KatherinesCoffeehouse. Or check out Katherine's Coffeehouse here on the website.
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  • Publishing and event updates can be found on the homepage.
  • For inquiries about book signings, workshops, readings, speaking and giving programs, please email poet at
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