Get Happy, Dammit & Get Happier, Dammit

Inspiration and Motivation for Living in an Often-Unhappy World

About the Books

If you’re tired of just trudging through another day, if you’re looking for more from life than the daily grind, if you’re seeking ways to get out of that rut or helping someone else get out, you've come to the right place. Get Happy, Dammit and Get Happier, Dammit provide a pathway to greater happiness by helping readers build inspiration and motivation, two elements that can lead to a more fulfilling life.

"I didn't write these books because I take happiness lightly or because I think getting happier is easy by any means," says author Katherine Gotthardt, M.Ed. "I wrote them because I wanted to share what has helped me gain inspiration and motivation. If I can encourage someone else to get happier by discovering or rediscovering the power of these tools, then the effort has been worthwhile."

Each short chapter provides simple, proven exercises that allow readers to develop skills like mindfulness, time management, reframing, critical thinking, goal setting and more, all designed to boost inspiration and motivation. Get Happier, Dammit, an extended version of the original book, includes insights from readers, teachers, writers, managers and others.

"The exercises are ones I used in the classroom and in life," says Gotthardt, who has facilitated adult education and corporate programs. "I've had many mentors and advisors over the years, and they all have contributed to my ability to pen these books. And in the case of Get Happier, Dammit, I was blessed to have readers with their own insights to offer. That they were willing to share their wisdom...that's something to be happy about."

Creatives, teachers, parents and coaches especially will discover or rediscover new ways to approach problems that plague us all and get in the way of progress. Individuals committed to improving their lives will find a DIY manual for enjoying a higher quality of life.

Proceeds from both books benefit community giving back projects and gifts. Proceeds have supported Specially Adapted Resource Clubs - SPARC, which provides quality day programs for adults with disabilities. Other non-profits that received monetary and book donations include Trillium Center, David J. Cobb Foundation and Rise Phoenix Rise, Inc. For a full list of beneficiaries, click here.

John Dutton, Award-Winning Writer and Educator

Katherine Gotthardt is a spark plug in a world of sluggish engines. She tells you how to thrive in a fast-paced world where there is no time for yourself. This book is a must for teachers and parents!

Jorge de Villasante, M.Ed.

This book provides a profound look at motivation, as well as staying positive through life's ups and downs. As a teacher, I found Katherine Gotthardt's book enlightening and something I can use in the classroom.

Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program

Get Happy, Dammit by Katherine M. Gotthardt tackles the daily battle of trying to stay positive in a negative world. Insightful and personal, the book is divided into small sections that make it convenient to read a little in each sitting, while also providing ample time for its powerful messages to penetrate. The style takes the unusual format of writing each chapter as if it were a personal letter to the reader. This approach is fresh -- very friendly and kind, and a departure from many other self-help books that oftentimes have more of a scholarly than helpful tone. A lovely book!

Nancy Wyatt, MHt, TNLP, Author

This philosophical and practical book explores how to find inspiration and motivation by answering the questions what, why, and how in an eclectic mix of narration, exercises and poems. Like a gnome plumbing the book's conversational tone for gems, I found motivation in the exercises and inspiration in the poetry. You CAN learn to get happy, Dammit!

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