Ode to a Balloon Let Go in London

It’s what happens when an orb flies freely,
escaping the glass of a world glaring
with human imperfection, industry, idols,
what passes for intelligence and integrity–
it oversees London, the iris of England’s
art, the reputation of queens, the relaxed
accent of ancient history revered or scorned
or adored.  A balloon–

now there is something worth seeing,
air encouraging flight the second a grip
on the string loosens or a knot becomes undone
or our natural fascination with release
makes us raise our sights to a sun
running from tower top to tower top,

the oft referenced wandering cloud
wondering at the inscrutable irony
of rubber expecting its own explosion–no,
welcoming it, celebrating it, while ascending like a soul,
past its own reflection, past the tired eye of Big Ben,
into the loving arms of infinity.

copyright 2015, Katherine M. Gotthardt
 Originally published in Weaker Than Water

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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