No Judgment Zone

An ode to our beloved local gym

What shall we celebrate today?
Should it be sugar-free candies 
and exercise? That splendid sit-
down cross-trainer that politely asks
listless arms and legs and hands 
and feet to do the work for once,
instead of just the brain? I mean it—
This is something to rejoice in!
Some place to go where the signs 
say, “No critics,” “No judgment,” 
where the steel of hundreds of years
of research have been smelted alongside
the smooth drop of gear and piston 
and weight, all in exactly the right order, 
and everything is a glorious shade
of purple and fuchsia and endorphins.
And while it’s true I often prefer the woods,
the white tufts of milkweed gone feral,
while the unexpected field mouse nurses 
her young beneath a metamorphosing
fallen tree, I do love me a good gym workout.
Now if only they’d turn down the music a bit…

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt, copyright April 1, 2024, all rights reserved

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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