
they march right
in, four by four
by four, each
their own red
ant, puff-bellied,
legged, eager
to order sand
and stone and
servitude to replace
artifacts of
before. how long
does it take to
collapse it? to destroy
an entire country?

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt

I don’t write political poetry much. There are enough poets out there who do, and they do so better than I. Also, I’m not partisan. In fact, I’m anti-party. Parties are like high school cliques, but with power and money.

What I am is concerned. Every time there’s an administration change, we now have to worry about the transition.

This was not always the case when I was younger. Absolutely, there were things to agonize about, but the past decade or so feels different. I find myself saying the Serenity Prayer more often. The fate of our country loiters in my mind like a threat. We have lost our sense of justice. Of safety.

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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