by Katherine Gotthardt over the exit pedestrians on a bridge crossing with pigeons
Four more Haiku forms from writing prompts on Twitter. The first three were written with Ukraine in mind. Praying for peace in a time of war. March wind, abandoned field. This one wide-eyed sunflower. _____________________________ unexpected news amid grim morning headlines finally sunshine _____________________________ ivy vine linking one thin leaf to another bond of greenery
Four Haiku from Twitter Writing Prompts Read More »
These are short pieces (mostly forms of Haiku) posted on Twitter. They are based on one-word writing prompts. Inexplicably, the world sees hope in the sky. Spring moon. _____________________________ Passing winter in the corridor, spring bats its fake lashes, winks knowingly. _____________________________ Around the bend, cardinals on a street corner. New Red District. _____________________________ Thunderstorms
Four Short Spring Poems Read More »
Claiming all that passed, sunset craves the day. Silly. Nobody owns poetry. -Katherine Gotthardt Banner art by Andrew Gotthardt
Cold closes its jaws on sunlight, thin remains of air. That brutal beauty of headstrong hope. -Katherine Gotthardt
Nighttime cherry tree, impending windstorm. Pang of letting go. -Katherine Gotthardt Painting by Andrew Gotthardt