Once, I Saw a Soldier
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Once, there,
I saw a soldier,
leaning against a barren tree,
Help Me Not Be Normal
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Help me not be normal.
Help me when I am in formidable first grade,
counting my fingers under my desk because math is hard
and there's too much talk from inside out and every last word
barges into my brain the way you did my bedroom
Nightmare in Suburban America
By Katherine Gotthardt |
i dreamt last night
i hid in an elevator
molding my back
into angles and steel
I’d call this a poetic brain dump
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
I believe in love
even when there's no one there
I believe in God
even when
he is silent
What Betrayal Feels Like
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I've decided it's a birdcall,
not the Canada goose
I will be in the life
I live after my next, more
like the mourning dove,
Heron – a draft
By Katherine Gotthardt |
We aren't much to look at, we poets, unless you look very closely, which most aren't wont to do. It's […]
What They Say about Hands – a draft
By Katherine Gotthardt |
They say the hands will do what the heart has felt. Not knowing who they are (might be indigenous wisdom […]