Katherine's Coffeehouse

Thoughts, drafts and poetry in progress. Take a sip.




5 a.m. on a Sunday and I accidentally wake my husband. “Poetry piled up overnight,” I explain. He murmurs, “Death […]


On the sidewalk lone white feather in the wind Angel in the world -Katherine Gotthardt

If it wasn’t for

If it wasn’t for the way early light met me on the street that morning, or the way April rain’s […]

Evening Haiku

hook of the moon dangling over a star bait of brighter light -Katherine Gotthardt


Today, in the battlefield's forest, Manassas gave us gifts: a stream for our dog to swim in, a wooden bridge […]


Crave is a five letter word, same as power. The world knows no peace. -Katherine Gotthardt Praying for peace.


by Katherine Gotthardt over the exit pedestrians on a bridge crossing with pigeons

Four Haiku from Twitter Writing Prompts

Four more Haiku forms from writing prompts on Twitter. The first three were written with Ukraine in mind. Praying for […]

Four Short Spring Poems

These are short pieces (mostly forms of Haiku) posted on Twitter. They are based on one-word writing prompts. Inexplicably, the […]


Quiet defiance of bullying winter. Early daffodil -Katherine Gotthardt
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