Katherine's Coffeehouse

Thoughts, drafts and poetry in progress. Take a sip.




#GrowingUp, I housed a battered, silent, shriek: “#StopFighting!” It never moved out. #KatherinesCoffeehouse
Poetry about shopping, Amazon Prime addiction

Amazon Prime

I should go to bed, bury my ear and head in a pillow of sweet smelling sheets and sleep, maybe […]
Katherine's Coffeehouse Facebook Poetry

Hashtag Lazarus

On days when #FacebookIsToxic – those are the days to #WritePoetry. Go ahead. #Hashtag the hell out of #inspiration, #art, […]


I’m going to miss my neck. No, I’m not headed to the guillotine, or decapitating myself in some obscene science […]

Moving On

Purple was accidental. I like how it looked on my website. So I started out with a logo, a two-tone […]
ogni pensiero vola, every thought flies, ogre, Monday, poetry, Katherine Gotthardt

Ogni pensiero vola

*Ogni pensiero vola How many poems love Mondays? Do any of them laud the week’s overlord, strum a bard’s mandolin, […]
water droplet, introspect, Katherine Gotthardt Poetry


I’ve never been good at either/or, always been a “both” person, really. Explains a lot – the extensive collection of […]


This early morning, patio stones under my naked feet, then up the deck stairs, then the humid air, the sudden […]

For Sale by Owner

Now I’m thinking of sellouts – two or three suits in office chairs, afraid to spin or roll, even on […]
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