Katherine's Coffeehouse

Thoughts, drafts and poetry in progress. Take a sip.



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First, though, I must drink decaf coffee, because why bother with anything else until that piece has been done? It’s not

Left Handed

My left hand has done most of the work for me, built a thick callous on my middle finger where rests
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My Dear Friend, the Artist

Based on a writing prompt from Poetry Super Highway for National Poetry Month, 2024 and this news article: “The US was getting too expensive. So this artist relocated to France for a slower-paced life” By Silvia Marchetti, CNN
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On poverty and aspirations
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Where I Can Safely Be Myself

Haiku wishes for greener spaces and a kinder world
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April Micropoems

wind chimes and songbirds even the curtains balloon in celebration today's open window
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It was usually standup radiators that did it—
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Or Shall We Call It…

There’s a difference between how the word is used—apathy in the personal sense, indifference, or lack of caring, where you refuse to act, or do the right thing,

Flying Home

The stranger next to me, too close for comfort, I can practically feel his breath on my neck, or is it the air I always have to turn on high? How I hate to fly, I always seem to get searched, and while I
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What I Did That Day

An Ode to My Former Teammates at IBM Heya, so you know what I did? Took the day off to think about what was actually happening, was really going on behind the scenes, behind the screens and the gaslighting. I mean, I got up
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