What if on Bring
Your Kids to Work Day
I brought my books?
What if I sat them next to me
on an a wheeled office chair,
facing me cover first,
my nom de plume on them,
their birth mother,
their title their given name,
copyright their birthday,
page numbers their weight,
ISBN their social,
registered with government
before they ever hit the shelves,
immersed in the workday
the way a child would be
were my human children children
anymore? What if I introduced
my books as my mini-mes,
part and parcel of my body,
birthed naturally by my brain,
ushered in by science, tech, tools
of the trade? It was quite
a long pregnancy, I’d say.
Labor was a bitch.
Would I raise an eye? Would I
even catch an eye?
Would someone spin the children
in the chair, roll them around the office,
laugh, pick them up and decide
they were worth their time?
Read to them by reading them?
Listen to them laugh and say,
“I don’t want this to end!”
make me forget the pain of delivery?
Okay, then. You convinced me.
I’ll conceive another.