Thirteen Ways of Looking at My Past Employer

With the greatest of apologies to Wallace Stevens for this bastardization of his beloved blackbird

I was of two minds, now 
Returned to one: You do not deserve

Among offices and conference rooms,
The only things moving efficiently
Were the lips of your greed. 

Meditation on founders and CEOs:
You sold out your company,
Our country, our world. 

A worker and their mind are one. 
A worker and their spirit are one. 
A worker and their company 
Are not one. 

I do not know which to scoff at more:
The hypocrisy of your words, your
Classes demanding completion,
Or your poor management choices. 

Injury to injury, you brought 
Back day terrors dormant 
For more than a decade. 

Icicles fill my poetry again.
I break them off, and they stab
My wrists in crucifixion.
Icicles melt, and I scar over scar.

The bonuses you graciously gave ultimately
Paid medical bills. Do you think
I owe you something?

I know the written word. 
So, too, do I know your heart.
You don’t have one.

You believed I would fly quietly,
Wings impotent against the current.
You are impotent. 

You seem to have forgotten karma,
That the universe is circular.
You are part of the circle. 

At the sight of your icon, 
Agencies will turn,
Knowing your acronym means willing
Inhumanity, blame, and mishandling. 

The people are moving.
Justice must be on their minds.  

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt, copyright March 29, 2024, all rights reserved 

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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