Now more than then, #Facebook needs #poetry, and art of the masters and royal ladies who dare to dabble on […]
Now more than then, #Facebook needs #poetry, and art of the masters and royal ladies who dare to dabble on […]
This cannot be my America. Where bloated power stuffs rags in the mouths of servants, weakened because some bastards removed
If I were a comma, would I opt for Oxford use? Would I find AP an ignorant Yahoo, mucking around
When I look up, I see the wall in front of me, mirrored butterflies my daughter bought me, pressed against
What if this year you held your face in your own, warm hands, and said aloud, “You are shamelessly loved”?
Someone on Facebook said, “Bless and release.” I penned it on paper, a post-it note, purple, stamped with a teal
Shifting paper, old handouts, a stack of dog-eared folders, blank, brittle notebooks, pile of unread mail and must-smelling memories, just
1970’s ornaments, smell of pine, plastic, old cardboard, memories of my mom, leaking from the box. #KatherinesCoffeehouse
I was so jealous of you. You were that collectable champagne glass in my mirrored curio – gold-rimmed, slender stemmed,
When the day weighs more than I, and the sky hangs ominous as a loose chandelier, I find time to
I used to dream my teeth fell out. I’d look down, and there, in a blue bucket, they sat, piled,
Remember back – not too far back. Goalies didn’t wear masks. Bikers didn’t wear helmets. We rode in the back
I write angry poetry. But this morning, I’m not angry. No, I’m stretching like a caterpillar, crossing a jeweled leaf
Was there ever a time you didn’t judge? Approached a foreign-looking man, shook hands, ignored the sandy feel of his
I’m not cut out for the apocalypse. I’m not built for Armageddon. Sure I’ve got the bulk to survive a
There, on my office wall, above the lamp and tiny, sterling Buddha, a house centipede, more legs than a marching
If I charged what I was worth, the world would be poor. That’s not a brag. That’s everyone. Look around.
#GrowingUp, I housed a battered, silent, shriek: “#StopFighting!” It never moved out. #KatherinesCoffeehouse
I should go to bed, bury my ear and head in a pillow of sweet smelling sheets and sleep, maybe
On days when #FacebookIsToxic – those are the days to #WritePoetry. Go ahead. #Hashtag the hell out of #inspiration, #art,
I’m going to miss my neck. No, I’m not headed to the guillotine, or decapitating myself in some obscene science