Ode to Einstein
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein
If I had to declare a religion, I guess it would be Unitarian. But it’s really a mixture of Buddhism, humanism and the universal language of caring deeply.
Not a poem. Just a thought. Read More »
So much depends
Apologies to William Carlos Williams Read More »
by Katherine Gotthardt
It came to me how beloved our lighthouses are,
not just those pillars of hope for those who are lost at sea,
but those seeking footing amid any pressing darkness.
By Katherine Gotthardt When in the throes of too early morning, sky flamboyant in darkness, stars about its forehead turning
by Katherine Gotthardt
What I’m learning about aging
is we don’t do it alone –
What I’m Learning About Aging Read More »
by Katherine Gotthardt Through your ageless eyes, I understand your replies to what you most fear: trembling from the tip
Speaking to Specters Read More »
By Katherine Gotthardt
It’s long overdue, this reflecting,
turning the outside in,
examining what everything means.
I was blessed to visit members of SPARC over the past couple of weeks and write poetry with them. SPARC
Love sometimes requires retreating,
backing up,
reversing the pace
that brought us into spaces
where nothing was ever comfortable,
no memory or seat we could share,
no reserve preserved for those worst hours,
Haiku by Diedra Horne Being the ruler of ram Bleeds from my soul Makes my walk elites Thanks to guest