More Haiku for National Poetry Month 2023
As we wrap up the month, here are some more small offerings.
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As we wrap up the month, here are some more small offerings.
More Haiku for National Poetry Month 2023 Read More »
Poetry based on vss365 and Mindful Writing course prompts
Haiku for National Poetry Month Read More »
Massachusetts, Circa 1988 I am thinking about the first time anyone heard the word computer. Was it like when I learned what Windows was? Or how a GPS could magically take me anywhere I wanted without getting lost? No more need to stop in for maps I’d never fold back in their envelopes. Those required
-Katherine Gotthardt
This morning and I’m thinking
of the wolpertinger,
shy but fierce creature
of the night.
Bavarian, so it sounds exotic.
What I really want is this:
to go back to the time on the front lawn,
worn blanket on crabgrass and wildflowers,
baby dolls and tea sets and nothing,
nothing more than ants to worry about.
This morning, the coffee pot looked different,
my husband having switched out
one gadget for another, far too complicated
for such an early hour. And so for a change,
I make tea with a satisfying plop of heavy cream,
squall of sweetener, one sip reminding me of Mrs. Torpey,
and Mrs. McGrievy, and that tall, smiling lady my friend and I visited
My dear friend,
this morning at 4
I found myself
breathing into the fur of my dog’s thick neck
and thought, perhaps
I’ve been holding too tightly
to everything that lives –
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein