Shall I Tell You?
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Shall I tell you I am disabled?
That I no longer can fend for
myself? Or shall I tell you
I now write the poetry you
mocked me for because
it does not pay the bills?
The Gestalt of God (A Philosophical Draft)
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Let’s set the record straight.
I do not claim to know what god
might be, nor do I entirely get gestalt.
This One, Too, is for Traci
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I did not know what I would write this morning as the treeline
got etched in wisps of ivory blond—until I remembered
I did not get to properly grieve you. Not really, anyway. Sure,
I wrote you a poem. Sure, I teared up now and again, like I am
now when I think of everything you did and offered, but mostly,
selfishly, I miss your listening,
What You Would Rather Hear
By Katherine Gotthardt |
What would you rather hear? That six or seven
or twelve times or more I actually had ideation,
or that I walked away, instead, unharmed? That I
**Backpack Part II
By Katherine Gotthardt |
It’s not that I shoulder a navy
pack on my disintegrating back.
It’s not that I have swallowed
the kind of pills that retch
even the rage out until
*Lincoln from the Grave
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Oh to be unconditionally loved when dead,
division dissolved by the peaceful inevitable.
Oh to the victory that made us one,
the blood of battle and repair
no longer questioned as worthwhile,
immune to “what if?” in its sad reality,
replaced by “what is” and “what was.”
The Wisdom of Ancient Things
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I return to that Place of Peace,
and the wisdom of ancient things,
the one that reintroduced itself
Ode to Charles
By Katherine Gotthardt |
See, you were the only Black kid in the whole damn school,
and the teacher had to split us up because of how hard
we laughed together.
You Made Me Feel Illegal
By Katherine Gotthardt |
This (unedited) poem won first place in a contest on The Political Poet. And while I am grateful, that's not necessarily the important part. The important part is the way this debate spun out of control. The way citizens were encouraged to gang up on other citizens as the county turned a blind eye to hate groups and racism.
Witchcraft Once Started
By Katherine Gotthardt |
So I found this short story I wrote back in 2009. I am not a fiction writer. It's really not my forte. And while I don't even remember writing this piece, I do remember WHY I wrote it and what was happening at the time. I have not bothered to edit it. So with that, I will let you enjoy a piece of what I will call magical realism. -Katherine