Why (Again) I Will Not Burn the Flag
By Katherine Gotthardt |
It begins with, “Don’t you believe in company loyalty?”
Working Order
By Katherine Gotthardt |
We clutch a bit
now for sleep
through the night,
choose sharper tipped
verbs, phrases,
questions of status
quo, but are handed
Why I Will Not Burn the Flag – Author’s Note on 4th of July
By Katherine Gotthardt |
It’s complicated, really, it began so long ago,
while bent over a bin of gourmet ice cream, scooping
it out for a customer: “Don’t you believe in company
loyalty?” And I had to tell him, no. “I am not loyal
to groups,” I said. “I am loyal to people.”
By Katherine Gotthardt |
The complex backstory ends
at my short relationship
with photosynthesis. I was okay