
In the cinema,
pudgy recliner holding me
in its vinyl hand,
your own hand holding mine –

I want to laugh at the preview,
but only the right side of my mouth moves,
upper lip meeting lower cheek,
like some lopsided, one-sided kiss.

We’re too old to make out in theaters,
too young to think we’re old.
And my look is a little too serious.
We’re a little too serious.

If I could just relax my back.
If I could just remind my mind
not everything is metaphor and symbol,
and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Dust off that sense of humor.
Have a Coke and a smile.
Just forget for a while.
Just enjoy the show.


Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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