It’s the connotation that matters: Something feasible turns preferable, enhanced commodity made critical, spun up in significance, passing as more important than it is. You see it in online ads, these viable options, leather seats that heat, easy-clean granite countertops, or waterfront property that percs, streaming us a longing, spies invited in. Maybe that’s what the word really means – espionage, big data traipsing about, tracking our cookies and cache, picking up the crumbs of our everyday, following us home. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but we all know it’s true. It’s gone beyond the possible, climbed the six-foot fence of privacy and hopped right over. No number of German shepherds can keep it from running quickly, tree to tree, hiding from the sensor of the backyard light, treading like a good mystery, leaving no footprints. It sneaks into the window left accidentally unlocked. There we are, asleep, mouths open, drooling. And there’s our wallet on the nightstand, a few stray coins on the floor. That’s us, dreaming. Just wait ‘til we wake up.
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