
by Katherine Gotthardt

This morning

              fifth night in a row

of bad sleep

              and … finally I know

what it means

              to be

                     TO BE

both off

                    … and on!


                     … and alive!


                     … and unhappy!  


… and substance!

The speck


The machine.   

Yet the spark!

              THE SPARK

That sets

                             things                       in                         motion

No need for 1s or 0s.

              That, my dear,

is quantum.

              That, my dear,

is poetry!

Note: Thank you to TIME magazine and these authors for the early morning reading and inspiration for this draft. Though WordPress messed up my line breaks, I finally understood, at least partially, what quantum means and could relate to it. And thank you to James Farley of IBM/Octo for unwittingly leading me to the article. And the folks planning World Quantum Day. And to John Berry and Satya Robyn. And vss365. Also Schrödinger. No, I’m not losing my mind. I’m finding it.

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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