More Haiku for National Poetry Month 2023

As we wrap up the month, here are some more small offerings. Many of these come from vss365 writing prompts and/or prompts from Satya Robyn’s Mindful Writing course. Gratitude for their inspiration.

-Katherine Gotthardt

seeking sweetness 
everyone merely one more
rufous hummingbird
Married over
twenty years. He writes me 
love stories.
Autism be damned
laughing with my son
hip replacement
every bone
a thank you
wondering about 
love, remembering my mom
bumblebee landing 
warmer day calling
morning tilts its head
timber wolf ears
ends in sweetness.
Butterscotch moon.
fear of weight gain
I hide the scale 
high school memory 
Easter morning
I relate to the sunrise
Some things carry on

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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