And this six o’clock
Saturday morning,
I thought I’d be brave
enough to write about
birds, or how blessed
anyone is to get to grow
old, only I am thinking
about AI, how everyone
is so worried machines
will take over the world,
take over the words,
how it is needless fretting,
as nothing metal, electric,
or numbered, nothing
that sucks that much
energy from the earth
can ever touch the wing
of our own, dear lives,
each of us in independent
hours, each in our own days
ahead, examining overcast
clouds lined up before one
more hidden sun, recalling
this is not the first shadow
of a daybreak we have ever
seen, not the first scattering
amongst incoming winds,
and any early storm cannot
possibly carry sufficient
thunder to be our last.
Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt, copyright May 11, 2024, all rights reserved
Posted in Katherine's Coffeehouse