This Is My Postcard to Me and You

This is my postcard to me and you.

You are good. Not just

good enough. Not okay,

not some sound byte or slogan,
selfie crushed, then wastefully
dumped, a mere clank against
the confines of endlessness,
vapidity, and false promise—only
to land in a dull, metallic thud. No,

you are more akin to an esoteric star.
A once-in-a lifetime opportunity

for someone to see the spectacular,
light so throbbing, its very rarity
makes the world blink and
step back, visual of soul
and what it used to be,

what it can be again, when finally,
the dimming of itself has halted

and you decide to reconnect,
weld yourself back to the kind of
universe that loves you powerfully,
holds you against its heartbeat,
presses you close to its latest gift—
potential and this very moment
brimmed with hope, an incandescent,
luminous reminder that, above all else,

everyone is worthy.

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt, copyright 10/17/2024

Katherine Gotthardt

Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt is an award-winning poet and author seeking meaning, peace and joy and hoping to share it where she can. Visit the About page for details.
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