Katherine's Coffeehouse

Thoughts, drafts and poetry in progress. Take a sip.



Early Onset

What I want to do is stop remembering the rainy morning you drove 50 miles to my house to help me find car keys I'd dropped in the trash.

Dear Readers: We are all short on time.

I hate to sound so jaded, but the world we live in, the world that demands so much of our […]
lake, morning, haze


Do not silence your life. Disregard fears of tonsillitis, laryngitis, infection. Sing. Sing what is, what was, what isn’t. Trill […]

Ode to a Balloon Let Go in London

It’s what happens when an orb flies freely, escaping the glass of a world glaring with human imperfection, industry, idols, […]


Women there know how to live, flippers and sunshine and sea, scales adapting to sand or saltwater, tawny skinned, smiling, […]


Springtime and everything switches on, electric song of peepers and honeysuckle. Nature's extraordinary reboot.
Photo by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash

More Haiku for National Poetry Month 2023

As we wrap up the month, here are some more small offerings.
cacti, plants, succulents-1845159.jpg

Potting, a Haiku

potting succulents

Haiku for National Poetry Month

Poetry based on vss365 and Mindful Writing course prompts


A haiku based on the #vss365 writing prompt "priority"
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