Katherine's Coffeehouse

Thoughts, drafts and poetry in progress. Take a sip.



lovers kissing poetry Eskimo Kiss

Harsh Winter

Lovers are two noses, tips touching in the cold, “Eskimo kisses,” (as the Inuit roll their eyes). But follow me here. Skin meeting skin, the heat of breath exchanged, the winged smoke that flies from sighs in January air – those are the things that turn your belly inside out. Until you’ve rubbed each other […]
bird snow children flying

I Was Just Thinking…

Where is poetry, if not in soft snow, slipping slowly from a crying sky, releasing its babies, like we do, when they’re ready to fly? #KatherineCoffeehouse
stepping out Katherine Gotthardt stairs

Stepping Out

Have you ever stepped out on that wide first step, the landing, the top one, looked down like you were on a ledge and said, “That’s a long, steep way. Better hold the railing”? That’s called getting old. We used to slide down the stairs, butts bumping against the edges, turning carpet into a slide, […]
philosophy meaning of life dogs night Thanksgiving

Before Thanksgiving

Weird weather tonight, warm November, with a moaning wind that makes the dogs a little nutty. They stiffen their ears, tilt their heads, like something’s about to happen, all of us waiting for meaning to emerge from the darkness. #KatherinesCoffeehouse
Charlottesville Unite the Right Terrorism

August 17, 2017 After Charlottesville

Ten years ago, I called them Nazis. It just kind of came out, you know? I’d climbed beyond angry – how could they be so mean, making hate a public policy? I really didn’t know the old ghosts I’d disturbed. I was told to shut up. For my own good, they said. But I was […]


Adderall forces a mind to its knees like a hostage. But it never worked that way for me. See, I’m a multi-tasker, which means I get very little done a day unless I sit for hours (or at least until my butt hurts). Laugh if you want. I’m part of a trend – procrastination nation. […]

On Call

Pain is an aging police officer. It sleeps lightly, still on call. It moves slowly sometimes, especially in the morning, when it slides its legs over the side of the bed, puts sore feet on the floor, and stands. But it always carries a pistol.


I finally figured out why I’m all about peace-wanting. But does it really matter why? Peace is a staple food. We starve without it. So we eat each other’s souls instead, until we’re just about dead. Stupid zombies.

Late April

how late is too late? when tomorrow remembers today but you forget who’s in the picture? that soft-grinned girl in the pale blue dress – she almost looks like Mother Mary. did you forget to pray? it’s all right. she’ll forgive you either way. Easter’s coming, after all, so there’s still time. there’s still time. […]
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