I Used to be a Cheerleader
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I used to be a cheerleader. I know.
I can hardly believe it myself.
Eating Disorder
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Upon finding an old cemetery
Some of these
stones are small
and unmarked—
it must have been
a family plot—yet
I Have Learned to Name the Ghosts
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I have learned to name the ghosts.
Let’s call this one Freddie—
no particular reason or relation
to Freddie Mercury, though I do love
a good Queen, especially
Story Telling
By Katherine Gotthardt |
And if you want to know why
I keep telling the story,
it is because
someone else
might have lived it,
Working Theory
By Katherine Gotthardt |
The working theory is this:
If we rage at something
we are not, we become
what we fling ourselves
against, protecting our bodies
I Want To Know What Causes It
By Katherine Gotthardt |
I want to know what causes this pain.
Not just the ache we all eventually have
in the shell of our muscle and bone.
Various Newer Haiku
By Katherine Gotthardt |
Haiku written in May thus far. Katherine Mercurio Gotthardt, copyright 2024, all rights reserved.
Other Times
By Katherine Gotthardt |
other times
it feels like
not even
the worst
what ifs
can scratch
Why AI Will Not Take Over the World
By Katherine Gotthardt |
And this six o’clock
Saturday morning,
I thought I’d be brave
enough to write about
birds, or how blessed
anyone is to get to grow
old, only I am thinking